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Burdett Loomis Made a Career of Talking about Politics

Burdett Loomis loves to talk politics.  As a professor in KU’s department of political science, he has made a career of doing just that.  In addition, his periodic editorials in the Lawrence Journal World provide a forum where he can display his opinions.

In a recent column in the LJW, Loomis expressed dismay over the priorities that are taking the time of the Kansas legislature during the 2021 session.  In particular, Loomis notes that they are failing to address the issue of expanding Medicaid coverage in the state.  He points out that Kansas is one of only a handful of states refusing federal money to expand Medicaid for the uninsured, a $250,000 loss of revenue to the state.  Instead, the Legislature is spending time on transgender athletes and other “false issues.”

Loomis declares that the Republican Party, state and national, has become the party of obstruction and grievance.  He notes the failure of the GOP to produce a party platform for the 2020 election as proof of his assessment.  The collapse of the moderate wing of the party is largely responsible for the current state of affairs, according to Loomis, and the situation is not likely to change any time soon in his opinion.  As a result, Loomis wonders if the United States has lost the ability to govern itself. 

Local government generally fares better than the state and national levels, according to Loomis, but City of Lawrence government has been somewhat “adrift” in recent years in his opinion.  A primary reason is the current election law that awards commissioners varied term lengths and a one-year mayoral appointment based on the size of the vote count.  He is pleased to hear about discussions to reform the system. 

In addition, Loomis believe that the loss of a locally-owned family newspaper has contributed to leadership decline.  Meanwhile, KU is suffering from a loss of state support and the administration’s focus on new building projects at the expense of maintaining quality faculty.