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Curious about Japan and Today’s Japanese Business Culture? Come to our May 29, 2013 Meeting.

norikamiIf you are at all curious come to the Lawrence Central 5/29 meeting to hear Japan Outreach Coordinator Erika Norikami from the University of Kansas Center for East Asian Studies who will speak on general information about Japan and the Japanese business culture today.

Erika is from Osaka prefecture, Japan’s third largest city and known as the country’s kitchen. She graduated with a degree in English language from Kansai Gaidai University in 2009. During her college career, she studied abroad at the University of Colorado at Boulder for 10 months as an exchange student. Outside of the classroom, she served as a resident assistant at an international students’ dormitory helping them with their daily lives and their Japanese studies. Since graduating from university, Erika spent time working as a global training and operations client coordinator in the English education industry then took a six-month course to become an English instructor for children. Through a grant provided by the Japan Outreach Initiative, Erika will spend two years as the CEAS Japan Outreach Coordinator promoting Japanese language and culture and conducting Japan-related activities at schools and community organizations.