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Meet New Lawrence Central Rotarian Kris Adair

Kris AdairA self-described serial entrepreneur, Central Rotarian Kris Adair and her husband recently opened the Lawrence Center for Entrepreneurship.  The business grew out of the fledgling Lawrence Free-Net which is now where the local gigabit internet provider Wicked Broadband and their data center is now housed.   The Center, she said, is for anyone who wants to make something, start something or create something.

The Center, at 925 Iowa, has three main components: A co-working space, a maker studio and an on-site data center.  The co-working space is a membership or occasional walk-in space for single entrepreneurs, start ups, and, often,  people who don’t have an office. There is 24-hour access with high speed internet, a mail center and a conference room.

The maker studio is an on-site fabrication area which is a premium work area for members. All of the needed tools are available including CNC milling, 3D printing equipment and power tools.  The center is offering beginner classes on 3-D printing and other topics in the evenings.  Their on-site data center has Gigabit fiber and is peered directly to Wicked Broadband’s fiber backbone. There is carrier class internet and rack space options available to members.

Lawrence Center for EntrepreneurshipThe goal for Adair is to provide a collaborative environment where people can work together to help grow businesses, teach management skills, and show how to fast track key components to get ideas to market quickly. Membership rates vary but include monthly memberships, day passes and extras such as a reserved desk, various sizes of storage and a private office.

“We give tours of the Center during open house Fridays, between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.,” Adair said, and Working Wednesdays from 6 to 9 p.m. each week. She said she could be contacted at [email protected] or 785-840-7989.