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Primed for Service

“My values are Rotary values,” declared Lauren Byrne.  These values explain why she and other young Lawrence professionals have joined “Rotary Prime.”  Initiated, sponsored, and subsidized by Lawrence Rotary Club, Rotary Prime offers flexibility and lower cost to young adults who share Rotary’s dedication to “Service Above Self’ but who are less interested in the formalities of the traditional Rotary meeting format.

Lauren Byrne, Mathew Petersen, Emily Hail, and Christina Ostmeyer visited Lawrence Central Rotary to outline the program of service projects, monthly meetings, and social mixers that their organization has adopted.  Rotary Prime appeals to these four because of its focus on networking as well as service.  The club’s casual meetings occur every second Thursday in the evening at rotating locations in Lawrence.  Membership dues are set at $200 per year.

Since organizing in 2015, Rotary Prime members have volunteered at Confabularryum; a Chili Ho-Down supporting United Way; a “Day of Creativity” at KU museums; Lawrence Public Library Foundation’s “After Hours” fundraiser; Back2School supply drive; Salvation Army bell-ringing; and the fall clean up at the Rotary Arboretum.

If you are interested in visiting a Rotary Prime meeting, Lauren Byrne is the “go to” person.  Contact her at [email protected] to find out more.