Lawrence Central Rotary’s own Jim Peters found his efforts to updates his book, Arlington National Cemetery: Shrine to America’s Heroes, derailed by the pandemic and his previous publisher going out of business. Peters wrote the book in the mid eighties when he was working in Washington D.C. Anticipating visits from family, he explored the city to become familiar with the many area attractions. His interest in history took him to Arlington National Cemetery and he became fascinated with the wealth of history contained in the national shrine. He was surprised to learn that no guide books or other printed sources of information were available for visitors. Peters set out to write his own guide to this most historical of American cemeteries. Peters found a small publishing company to work with and published his book, receiving very positive reviews. Through the years it is still the best selling guide book on Arlington. But when it came time for a fourth edition a new publisher backed out on the project. Peters decided to explore publishing the new edition himself and Monument Press was the result. There were numerous challenges along the way but the updated fourth edition became available last June. The book is available through the book distributor Baker and Taylor, locally at the Raven Book Store, and of course, at Arlington National Cemetery. Peters might even sell you a copy himself.