Nancy O’Connor has made a career of teaching the values of fresh vegetables, gardening and good health. O’Connor served as Director of Education and Outreach for the Merc Coop for a number of years. During her tenure the Commercial Mercantile Education Foundation (CMEF) was established with the Merc serving as a partner organization. Presently she serves as Executive Director for the foundation. The purpose of the foundation was to “nourish and inspire personal well being, strengthen community connections and support local food systems.” CMEF works with public school gardens, First Step at Lake View Gardens, and a supports a free market at Edgewood Homes. Each summer five students are hired to work the gardens, and at First Step women recovering from addiction are parred with student workers. O’Connor believes that the work of growing food is a transformative experience. The gardens produce approximately two tons of vegetables a year. O’Connor brought an impressive basket of fresh vegetables to share with club members.