Meg Pearson, Director of Donor Engagement for United Way of Kaw Valley, reported on the work of the well known community organization. The recent merger of the United Way organizations of Greater Topeka and Douglas County, along with Jackson and Jefferson Counties, have created efficiencies of operation to better serve the people of North East Kansas. United Way of Kaw Valley is the primary funding and volunteer recruiter for local nonprofits. Meg stressed that funds raised in Douglas County stay in the county. The organization engages in a variety of support tasks, including planning, training, professional development and advocacy. Community impact grants are awarded to collaborating partner organizations to help achieve these goals. Meg also spoke of the work of the Roger Hill Volunteer Center that recruits and creates an individual volunteer skills profile to match with the needs of over 122 organizations. United Way of Kaw Valley also works with the national 211 emergency hotline for people in need of services.