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Citizens Plan for Transportation Improvements

There was a good turnout to hear Steve Mason, club member and manager of a mandated transportation planning process. The Federal Highway Act of 1973 required the creation of local transportation planning. Accordingly, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) were established to enable citizens to have a say so on area transportation projects financed by state and federal funds. The local MPO Steve works with includes the communities of Lawrence, Baldwin and Eudora. The organization’s goal is the elimination of fatalities and serious injuries on area road ways through working with government on transportation priorities and planning. A steering committee is responsible for the creation of a Vision Zero Safety Action Plan. Elements of that plan include work on bicycle safety, transit, pedestrian and multimodal devices. Steve noted that while vehicle design have made cars and trucks safer, pedestrians have become more vulnerable. He stressed committee work is data driven and the data used will be accessible to the public.