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Downtown Parking Plan

City of Lawrence Parking Manager Bradley Harrell spoke about proposed changes to the present parking enforcement system. The rules for parking and the citation process would be largely unchanged but the current court and warrant system would be eliminated. Instead the City would rely on a boot system to immobilize a vehicle with three or more unpaid tickets in a 60 day period. The boot will be self releasable upon payment of the fine. The proposed system is seen as faster and more cost effective and work better for out of town visitors. The fine appeal process will be extended and easy to access. A month long 50% amnesty program is also proposed. Bradley spoke about the work of Downtown Ambassadors which is a volunteer program that conducts weekly maintenance and beautification in the downtown parking environment. Bradley stressed the importance of an efficient parking program that insures turnover of downtown parking. The proposed changes will be taken up at a future City Commission Meeting.