District Governor Debra Rotenbaugh Schaub does, indeed, “Light Up Rotary,” which is her slogan for the year. with her enthusiasm and dedication. On Wednesday, wearing a scarf with the slogan, she gave Central Rotary president Carolyn DeSalvo a flag saying the same thing and then asked Rotarians why they joined Rotary and what they do to Light Up Rotary.
The answers ranged from “I joined to find friends and fellowship” to a desire to be involved in Rotary service projects. Establishing community connections and Rotary as a good way to put down roots were mentioned. Rotary exemplifies the 4-way test, one Rotarian said, and another talked about the value of meeting Rotarians from all over the world. “Rotary does so much; our projects are so important,” was a recurring remark.
“It’s good to know why you’re here and why we’re all here,” Schaub said. “Rotary gives us 1.2 million friends,” she said. “It’s a gift. It’s an opportunity to share something with people we care about and to change people’s lives. You can personally impact someone’s life through Rotary.”
Rotary, she said, is growing internationally but not so much in the United States. “It’s important to stop and think about how much we cherish Rotary and how much it adds to our lives. Now we need to ‘Light Up Rotary’ and share this gift with others.”.