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Lawrence Central Rotary Celebrates 10 Years

10 years ago former Lawrence Central charter member Ed Samp had an idea. Samp and several other area residents began talking in November 2002 about the idea of forming another chapter. They had heard of several people who were interested in joining a Rotary club but the meeting time, location or size of the existing two chapters wasn’t appealing to them.

A decade later the current members of the Lawrence Central Rotary celebrated our 10th anniversary.   On March 13th, instead of our usual haunt at the Eldridge All American room, we descended upon Famous Dave’s banquet room and discussed the past and the future of our club.  Members old and new brought their significant others and families for some time together to celebrate.  Many thanks to Lynn O’Neal for putting together a slide show of memories and taking pictures.

Below pictures from the event and a scan of the program from the Rotary Charter Night held March 12, 2003.  We’ve also posted our current President Bob Swan’s remarks to the attendees below.   Thanks to everyone for coming!

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Benefits of Complete Streets in Communities

The story below is from the Smart Growth America National Complete Streets Coalition.cs-header

Complete Streets Help Create Livable Communities

The streets of our cities and towns are an important part of the livability of our communities. They ought to be for everyone, whether young or old, motorist or bicyclist, walker or wheelchair user, bus rider or shopkeeper. But too many streets are designed only for speeding cars, or worse, creeping traffic jams. They are unsafe for people on foot or bike – and unpleasant for everybody.Read More »Benefits of Complete Streets in Communities